Report: College Binge Drinking, Drug Abuse Rises – Is it Time to Call in the US Corporation to Stem the Pandemic?

Leading geopolitical analyst and author, Joseph Ehrlich, questioned, ten years back, government reticence regarding drug and substance abuse by students. He highlights today, yet again, that the avenue to resolving the crisis is through the US Corporation.

Hewlett Harbor, NY (PRWEB) March 15, 2007 — According to a new report from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, nearly half of all full-time college students – 49 percent – binge drink or abuse prescription and illegal drugs (

According to Mr. Ehrlich, systematic reporting of a worsening condition will not resolve the reality that the drug scourge continues to consume the youth of this nation. Mr. Ehrlich, in his 1997 novel, Recapturing America, warned America that it must confront and tackle the issue, or else drug and substance abuse would become institutionalized, as suggested by today’s remarks regarding the troubling report by Joseph Califano, former U.S. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and chairman of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse.

Recapturing America not only endeavored to warn Americans about the evolving drug pandemic, but also moved to address the avenue to the resolution of the plague surrounding the children of our nation. In Recapturing America (link via ), Mr. Ehrlich in 1997 wrote that the key to the resolution was marshalling the resources of the American corporation:

“How can the drug scourge be successfully dealt with?

Politicians like corporations, are chameleons, who can turn into saints if their existence depends upon it. And perhaps if Recapturing America can engender some attention, that someone will get up and do something about it now. *** As long as the drug problem remains, institutionalized corruption will endure and so will the disturbing issues raised by this book. Don’t target anything else until success is reached in ridding the country of drugs.***

We can direct a condition that unless the corporations of America, working alone or together, eliminate the drug scourge in America, that in two years they will have a 35% tax surcharge until the condition is resolved. There, of course, will be an outcry but, believe me, all my experience with government, corporations and people make it very clear, to my mind, that when you employ the resources of American industry working on an issue, including their vast local and national contacts, that chances are they will succeed. You have to give them incentive and when it’s all over, we all will be winners.”

This position was clarified by the following in the book:

“We need guidelines, because corporations by their very nature exist solely for profit. If you had no guidelines, corporations would be involved in all sorts of illegal activities to perpetuate the purpose of their existence: profit. However, to exist and continue to exist, they must conduct business legally and otherwise follow the guidelines provided. The reason they so willingly oblige is because if they fail to follow the guidelines, they cannot exist.

So if we told corporations that to exist the CEO each morning had to help a little old lady cross a street in their town, do you know what? No matter how wealthy this CEO is and no matter how much he makes in salary and bonus, and no matter how little time he has on his schedule, you can bet your bottom dollar that he will help a little old lady each and every morning cross the street.”

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Joseph Ehrlich
(212) 927-7582


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