Rentals often targets for meth producers
Rentals often targets for meth producers
During those inspections, owners should keep an eye out for signs that meth is being made there, Perry said. One-or two-liter bottles — similar in size to Gatorade bottles — “sitting around with an oily liquid substance in the bottom that is usually … Read more on Martinsville Bulletin
New program to combat growing meth problem
According to the Ohio Attorney General's Office there have been 635 meth lab busts so far in 2013, more than any total number discovered in the past 8 years. Law enforcement are also now training city, county, and ODOT employees to watch for the signs … Read more on WKYC-TV
The homicidal kid gangsters of Nyanga East
They also explained that they get their strength from drugs, especially tik (crystal meth). They said this gives them … Despite signs of a decrease from 2004 to 2010, the number of murders increased again in 2011, as the following shows: 2003-2004 … Read more on Daily Maverick