Reflecting on Alcohol Addiction: What Matters Most?

Reflecting on Alcohol Addiction: What Matters Most?

Have you ever noticed the drastic impact of alcohol addiction in your life? Have you realized how melancholic you have become? Have you ever thought of getting an overhaul? Well, the problem on alcohol addiction has been one of the most prevalent issues in society these days.

Millions of men across the globe have been carrying the burden of this disease. Alcohol addiction is a long-standing serious condition being suffered by men all over the world. It is caused by too much dependency on mood altering liquors like beer, brandy, vodka and similar beverages.

What are the effects of alcohol addiction? Literally, an alcoholic suffers from poor health which is the result of excessive drinking. What more can be expected from a man who consumes more than 5 bottles of beer on the average in a day? An alcoholic has greater chances of acquiring a serious liver disease like cirrhosis. Not to mention the complication it could bring like cancer of lungs, liver, kidney and other vital organs.

Aside from a poor physical condition, an alcoholic forgets about the world where he belongs and the responsibilities included with it— his family, his work, his bills, and his life. He has time to drink with his friends all night but not a second to cuddle his baby. He has money to spend on bars all weekend but none for his mortgages. He has all the luck and pleasure with his drunkard friends but no single moment for his beloved wife. These and more are the things that matter an alcoholic give up for “alcohol.”

Now it’s what you call “alcohol addiction.” When you cannot live without drinking “liquor,” then it is your life. When it seems you cannot survive without alcohol flowing into your veins, it’s time to wake up, buddy! Alcohol addiction is as worse as drug addiction. Like the latter it needs serious attention, too. It is alarming to be into a situation like this whether you are single or not. The effects mentioned above has drastic effects on you: physically, socially, psychologically, and financially.

It’s Time to Reflect!

Ever imagine your life with alcohol abstinence? Ever picture yourself healthy, happy and productive? If the story is the other way around wouldn’t it be better to be on a straight path to sobriety?

It is never too late to change. Perhaps, there is help out there! Alcohol addiction can be cured like any other disease. Be ready to change your outlook and behavior. Being too stressed or worn out at work or in your home aren’t reasons to grab for a bottle of beer. Choosing the path to sobriety is not easy but it is achievable. If you pursue change in your life and go for a clean living, start modifying your thoughts today. Realize what you are losing—family, friends and yourself.

Never think that your alcohol addiction has no end, there is cure for it! Open up your condition among your family and friends. Seek for professional help and advice. If possible, inquire about an alcohol addiction rehabilitation center in your locality. You still have time to be a jolly good fellow so give it a try and deserve another life… a merrier and more productive one (without the hic-cups)!

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