Recovered Meth Addict Educates Youth – Victoria Woman Shares Personal Story

Victoria — A Victoria woman who spent two years battling an addiction to Crystal Meth and other street drugs is sharing her personal story. She hopes that talking about what happened to her might keep young people from making the wrong choices in their lives. “It took me out really quickly,” says 29 year old Erica. Erica says she was hooked the firs time she tried Crystal Meth. “I went to university and then I went abroad for a bit and when I came back I was at a party. And all of a sudden there were some street drugs and I made a snap decision to try it. I thought it would be a good idea, and from that point on I was hooked.” Erica’s life spun out of control. Two years of drug abuse and her family intervened. Erica has been clean and sober for more than three years. “I wish I could go back and tell my 12-year-old self to never pick up drugs or alcohol.” Surveys show that one in five students in Victoria knows someone who is using, or has used, Crystal Meth. Tonight the Crystal Meth Society invites families to SJ Willis School for the “Be Crystal Clear” presentation. It’s an information session which arms parents and youth with what they need to know about street drugs, and how to say “no”.The forum begins at 7:30pm.