Rachel’s Story (part 2 of 3)

Rachels Strory is a highly acclaimed film, which tells the story of Rachel Whitear, told by her mother, father, sister and a close friend. The film is a very honest portrayal of how drug misuse can have far reaching consequences for both the drug user and their close family and friends. The story of Rachel Whitear has touched the lives of millions of people right across the world and created one of the worlds biggest ever anti-drug media campaigns. The films powerful and emotional account of how drugs can have a devastating affect on the lives of drug users and their family is being used in schools, colleges and other educational establishments throughout the United kingdom and has been a central part of a Dfes education programme. Rachel’s parents, Pauline and Mick Holcroft, said people from the worlds press and international media have all said what a wonderful film Silva Productions made. We did an interview with Carlton Television who thought the film was so professionally put together it must have been made by a national media company like Granada. Also the positive feedback we have had back from the public has been tremendous. We have met with MPs, taken part in many television programmes and are now working with organisations like Drugscope and Addiction to continue promoting the film and raising awareness about the dangers of drug abuse. Making the film has enabled us to use Rachel’s life story to help others, we know Rachel would have been 100 percent behind the
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