Quit Smoking Does Not Require Tools

Quit Smoking Does Not Require Tools

To quit smoking is not easy. Some people who tried to stop it directly, there is also an attempt to stop slowly. But that needs to be stressed is that to quit smoking should start from their own desires.

There are various ways you can do to quit smoking. Some examples of therapies that are allowed in medicine are nicotine replacement therapy, acupuncture or hypnotherapy. Nicotine Replacement Therapy is very useful for relieving smokers to nicotine dependence. So for users of Nicotine Replacement Therapy they no longer need a cigarette to satisfy nicotine dependence. Because, if you do not smoke cigarettes anymore; then you will be free than 4,000 that are considered hazardous substances in smoke.

There are a variety of nicotine replacement therapy is one of the nicotine patch, shaped like a patch is applied to the skin for 24 hours. Nicotine patch will take at least three hours to put nicotine into the blood vessel. This is different from cigarette nicotine entering directly into the lungs through the smoke. Use of nicotine patch will be able to reduce the main symptoms of addiction to cigarettes or often referred to as craving. For short-term use, a desire to stop smoking can be delayed by consuming other nicotine products such as nicotine chewing gum, inhaler, nasal spray, and lozenges.

Patients who wish to quit smoking can also use an antidepressant, but the drugs can only be used under the supervision of a physician. Another way that allowed in the medical world is with acupuncture therapy and hypnotherapy. But these therapies do not use a tool that is inhaled.

These drugs can also remove a sense of pleasure from smoking. Other therapies that can be done are acupuncture and hypnotherapy. Both therapies are permitted by medical science. For example by using: e-cigarettes and herbal cigarettes. But the use of e-cigarette can also have detrimental effects on the body. In addition there are also herbal cigarettes as a therapy for smoking cessation. Cigarettes are supposedly said to own no addictive substances and chemicals that can harm the body. But even so without nicotine, herbal cigarettes still have a risk because there is still smoke. So to quit smoking actually do not need different kinds of tools but most important is the desire from within you.