quickest and easiest way to get off heroin?
Question by Kate17: quickest and easiest way to get off heroin?
I’ve been addicted to heroin for about a year now and need to stop immediatly. any ideas on how to do it, without going into treatment?
Best answer:
Answer by JustSoChill
First of all im here to tell you im not gonna be “one of those guys” who say “o well you shouldnt have taken it in the first place”
The way you stop taking a drug is by taking smaller doses each time you feel that craving and that hunger for the drug. YOU NEED TO BE DEDICATED IN STOPPING. dont take any medications that say they will help you stop. after taking smaller and smaller doses when you really need to hit some you have to skip those days or i would recomend going to safe drugs like Marijuana on those cravings. Or find a new hobby. such as sports
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