Purchasing real estate that was previously used for making meth?

Question by Farmer Chic: Purchasing real estate that was previously used for making meth?
My husband and I made an offer on a house about 2 weeks ago and found out today that meth was made on this property aproximately 50 times. There are 4 buildings including the house on 80 acres. The newspaper article said that the meth was made in a camper trailer behind a shed or near a shed. I also contacted the police drug investigator and confirmed the story was true. I really love the place and was wondering if it would be possible to live there without any effects? I was also told that it would be stated on the house title. Is this true in Wisconsin? Would we get our earnest money back since this wasn’t enclosed when we originally made the offer and we had to find out on the internet? Thank you in advance for all of your help!

Best answer:

Answer by carole
I read an article about this a while ago. A couple bought a house, starting having severe medical problems and then found out that it had been a meth house. There was a law suit about whether the Realtor was aware of this problem.
I think it would be worth paying a lawyer to check out your options as the laws vary so much from state to state.
Good luck.

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