Pro-lifers don’t care about life….don’t you agree?

Question by trent: Pro-lifers don’t care about life….don’t you agree?

They are nothing but hypocritical when they call themselves pro lifers. They say they are for life, yet don’t want to promote teaching teens about life and birth control. They don’t want to supply them with birth control and preach abstinence only, yet every day thousands of babies are born to young teens and the pro-lifers turn a blind eye. The second those embryos they had so righteously defended are born and are actual living breathing human beings on our planet, they completely ignore them. They don’t care about the children, they care about the symbol of children and a scripture. They are against social programs, welfare programs, increase in the educational system, and universal healthcare. Any programs that help the unfortunate children survive after they are actually born. They are against rehabilitation programs that help those who took the wrong path due to being brought up in a poor stricken community, or a one parent family in which the father left and the mother wasn’t around because she had to work 3 jobs to pay for bills and gas but had the strength to still have her child. They want to prevent science to learn and prevent those embryos from being born with horrible diseases. They don’t care about the kid who lives his life in a wheel chair unable to move, they are against stem cell research or any of its kind. They don’t care about the actual living here on this planet. They are defending the symbolism of a doctrine created thousand of years ago by a cult. They want to ignore the fact that these children are born unto a horrible environment then don’t want to acknowledge them or help them when something goes wrong. Many of these children become adults and commit crimes and they are against the rehabilitation that may help them. They are against any program or service that may help prevent future crimes or drug use. No they want to lock them all away and throw away the key on those same embryos they fought so hard for to be born. They are against any type of service that acts rather then reacts. Any service that helps or aids those who show they are trying but just need some help to get back on their feet. The most hypocritical aspect of all this, is that those same Pro- lifers are the first one in line smiling away when we put to death a man on death row. That same Embryo they fought so hard for…… they want put to death. That my friend is the irony of all this. If these right wing wackos would help the actual breathing living human beings on our planet, I’m sure more of us would have a anti-abortion stance but until then it’s a right and until the day pro lifers/Religious nuts/Republicans treat the planet and human beings as if they really cared then maybe we wouldn’t have this pro life vs pro choice dilemma.

I’m sorry to all you knuckledraggers my description was to long. I understand you cannot read more then 2 sentences without getting confused.

(Hey look a paragraph)

Bite me
I personally would be all for outlawing abortions, but only if you right wing wackos would stay consistent and show love for all children and not just your own personal litter.

Best answer:

Answer by The Republican
Jesus Christ, rant much? And paragraphs are your friend…

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