Phil doing rehab

Phil doing rehab


MLHD says crystal meth is rife in the Riverina
The new Murrumbidgee District Mental Health Director says the use of crystal methamphetamine and ice is rife and the impact is violence. Dr Anthony Samuels says the majority of patients admitted with mental illness have a substance abuse problem. Read more on ABC Online

North Korea's meth addiction could spell disaster for US
North Korea is experiencing a methamphetamine, or crystal meth, epidemic so large that the Los Angeles Times reports meth “is offered as casually as a cup of tea.” A Los Angeles Times article defines methamphetamine as “a synthetic drug that was first … Read more on Central Florida Future

Killeen: Police Make Crystal Meth Arrest After Traffic Stop
KILLEEN (February 4, 2014) Christopher Durham, 41, of Killeen, who was arrested after 1.7 grams of crystal methamphetamine were discovered after a traffic stop late Sunday night, remained in custody Tuesday in lieu of $ 20,000 bond. Durham was charged … Read more on KWTX