PDEA destroys P956-M illegal, dangerous drugs
PDEA destroys P956-M illegal, dangerous drugs
Among destroyed were a total of 722,446.5 grams (722.4 kilograms) of assorted pieces of drug evidence composed of methamphetamine hydrochloride, or shabu, cocaine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, marijuana, ecstasy, valium, expired medicines, and … Read more on Philippine Information Agency
PDEA destroys almost P1-B worth of drugs
The agency said the 722.4 kilos of drugs destroyed at the Clean Leaf International Corp. in Malabon City included methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu, cocaine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, marijuana, ecstasy, valium and expired medicines. Read more on InterAksyon
Denial of Marijuana Reclassification Appealed to Supreme Court
… in 19 states and Washington D.C., marijuana remains on Schedule I alongside heroin and LSD. It is more tightly controlled than Schedule II drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine. … In that case, which involved a Harvard professor who wanted to … Read more on Lawyers.com Blog (blog)
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