Part 3: One cop's determination
Part 3: One cop's determination
I want to be treated like shit, I want people to abuse me.' You don't walk into that.” Bobbi told him the story of what had happened after she persuaded a friend to run from their treatment program in Eau Claire. How she …. Meth gives users a quick … Read more on Minneapolis Star Tribune
Elko shooter gets up to 13 years in prison
Furthermore, defense attorney Gary Woodbury told the jury that Paige — who admitted to being a methamphetamine addict — couldn't go to the police for recourse because of his entanglement in the drug culture and he couldn't let the tire transaction go … Read more on Elko Daily Free Press
Pains In The Judicial System
He says when he first started methamphetamine use was the big concern and now it has switched to prescription drug abuse. He also oversees … There is not a lot of money available who can't afford treatment for mental health problems. Part of that is … Read more on knopnews2