parents concerned with gnome addiction?

Question by Kat-Jay: parents concerned with gnome addiction?
Since i was a young lass, i have had a fancy for garden gnomes. lately ma and pa have become quite worried and fretfull that my healthy enjoyment has turned into an addiction. How can i explain to them that my love for gnomes is not dangerous and that it is a part of who i am? Also, is there such then as a gnome support group? if there is im sure they will be enrolling me in one. My parents have been hiding my gnomes in linen clossets and clothing hampers, trying to wean me off of them. I also overheard them speaking of plans for a gnome intervention, they contacted A &E, no reply yet. Im very scared, and dont want to loose my gnomes. I love my collection, and don’t see why they are concerned…Help?
Thanks ahead of time for the advice.
i own 347 gnomes, but since they started taking them away, i can only find 312 of my wee friends.
I have named them all and i count them every night, so if my parents think i dont notice some missing they are sadly mistaken

Best answer:

Answer by Sabrina S
So, can you quit anytime you want to?

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