Oklahoma Sooners: Sooner Fan Calls TD Play

Oklahoma Sooners: Sooner Fan Calls TD Play – Shae Farmer, a Sooner fan from Georgia, joins OU coaches in the press box to call a play at the 2008 Spring Game. Farmer won the right to call the play in an…


'Faces of Meth' now an app featuring you
Smoking meth produces toxic gasses that really do a number on skin and teeth. And meth addicts tend to stop doing important things like eating and bathing. If you've ever wondered what you would look like after a few months of hard living, the good … Read more on Middletown Journal

Ten reasons to turn Stoptober into Smarttober
Instead of making the pharmaceutical industry richer by purchasing "free" yet highly ineffective replacement nicotine for all, imagine transforming Stoptober into Smarttober and encouraging England's smokers to become more dependency recovery savvy … Read more on WhyQuit (press release)

Finding answers to sullied downtown image
Spokane police officers arrest a woman suspected of meth possession Friday night on Sprague Avenue in downtown Spokane. The woman also had an …. “We have 16-year-old girls, pregnant, walking around smoking cigarettes. That's a problem. We have … Read more on The Spokesman Review