Okay why are they doing a “shopping intervention” with Kim on Keeping up with the Kardashians?
Question by PrincessKLS: Okay why are they doing a “shopping intervention” with Kim on Keeping up with the Kardashians?
I understand a shopping addiction is serious. I know someone or two people that have it but they don’t have the money, these people are on disability for depression. Kim Kardashian on the other hand is a trust fund baby (though I heard her dad cut her off) who has also done a few money making jobs such as acting in a couple of films, fashion stylist, etc; so there is no way she’s in debt for shopping that much. But on tonight episode her family members are acting like she has a huge problem. If her money is abundant and properly managed I don’t see the problem with her shopping a lot.
Grant it, this is a staged show, I thought I was watching Intervention for a minute when that psychotherapist came to visit.
Best answer:
Answer by GilmoreGirls1
Dang, I just missed this episode. But, I don’t see what the problem is if she can afford it. But then again, some people really do shop too much and spend money without thinking, even if they can afford to do so.
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