New ACLU Study Shows that Over 3000 People Are Serving Life Without Parole

New ACLU Study Shows that Over 3000 People Are Serving Life Without Parole
One Federal District judge who was compelled to give a drug-addict a life sentence for selling small amounts of crack cocaine called the sentencing “a travesty,” adding: “I don't agree with it, either. And I want the world and the record to be clear on … Read more on Bustle

Tri-State health, law enforcement officials take aim at synthetic drug 'Krokodil'
It's also an extremely toxic and addictive form of morphine. Krokodil is produced in a method similar to methamphetamine. It's called Krokodil because it's a cheap substitute for heroin and causes sores, tissue damage and a rough scale-like appearance … Read more on WCPO