Narconon Trois-Rivieres Live Graduation Extravaganza

Narconon Trois-Rivieres Live broadcast of the year. The Live Graduation Extravaganza. Special musical guests Lea Morgane and Kevin Desrosiers accompanied by the Narconon choir , who volunteered their time for this unique event.Testimonies from graduates of the Narconon drug rehab program and staff who work at Narconon Trois-Rivieres. The Narconon Holiday Extravaganza Program: 1) SONG: “Rock’in Around the Christmas Tree” sung by Lea Morgane and the Narconon choir 2. INTRODUCTION: by Marc Bernard Executive Director Narconon Trois-Rivieres and Narconon program steps completions with Dina Angelini 3. STAFF TESTIMONY: by Drew Chopty – Withdrawal Specialist Narconon Trois-Rivieres 4. SONG: “Wonderful world” sung by Lea Morgane 5. SPEECH: by Andre Ahern, Bsc biol, Msc Ecology Senior Director for Expansion Narconon Trois-Rivieres. 6. NARCONON PROGRAM STEPS COMPLETION: with the Christmas Fairy – Emilie Fontaine 7. ANNOUNNCEMENT: Narconon’s star and student of the week with Program Support Service – Carole Pelland 8. SONG: “And So this is Chritmas” sung by Kevin Desrosiers and the Narconon choir. 9. SONG: “Le ciel est à moi” sung by Lea Morgane 10. WINS AND SUCCESS ON THE NARCONON PROGRAM: with Narconon’s Trois-Rivieres Students and personnal Live holiday message to family and relatives. 11. SPEECH: from Marcel Gemme CCDC (Certified Cheminal Dependancy Counselor) and Drug Addictions Counselor for ten years. 12. NARCONON DRUG REHAB PROGRAM COMPLETION: Colton D. 13. CLOSING WORDS: by
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