My sister tested positive for Methamphetamine by D.F.A.C.S. and I know she uses…?

Question by victoriadwilson30045: My sister tested positive for Methamphetamine by D.F.A.C.S. and I know she uses…?
My sister tested positive for methamphetamine. I know she is a user and I have tried to help her but I am done she has use for to long. My sister has 3 kids that are 10,12, & 14. I am sick of her using Meth she sells her food stamps and she has not been caught and her past drug test came up negative for any drugs until tonight when D.F.A.C.S. drug tester came by to give her a test she finally tested positive for it but very faint. The guy told her to drink lots of water and he would be back in the morning. 1st of all can he do that? I know it is wrong but I hope she gets caught. She needs help bad. She stays gone for days leaves her kids with me. Sells here only mean for food. And buys dope with her daughters S.S.I. check. She gets over 00 a month and can’t make it month to month. She expects me to carry her slack. I feel bad most of the time and wind up feeding her & her kids but I put a stop to it this month. Am I a bad person? I feel bad cause her kids don’t have much I don’t have much myself but I will be damned if my kids don’t have food in there mouth. I don’t by my kids new clothes they get used things. My sister wont even make sure her kids have clean clothes for school in the mornings. Also her son was to start High school this year but it is now 3 weeks in the school year and he still has not started because she will not go sign him up. But she can leave all day long for drugs. To make matters worst for him he got a rash which looks like Poisson Ivy or something for over a week. He face is swollen an she wont take him to the hospital. She yells all the time screaming at the top of her lungs at my mother whom we live with. Call here and me every name in the book. On top of it all the house is a HOT MESS. She wont clean when she is high or sober. If she is not gone she always has people over here (her dope head friends). Her man is in jail for attacking me and she has different men that stay over for days. When she has men over or her friends she stays locked up in here room and does nothing for her kids. Every time they come to her door she slams the door on there face if they open it and tells to leave her the hell alone. To make matters worst her old old ex comes over and talks to my husband and me and he tells us all these things about her using her knee pads (his words). My old friend who does drugs with her tells me all these stories about my sister and sex for drugs. I am so done. Tell me am I a bad person for giving up on her? I have done what I can and she is dragging me down. I am trying to move out asap. Any advice?

Best answer:

Answer by Miles
what you said no one can live like that and have 3 or 4 kids. you need to get her help if defacs doesnt catch her you need to get her institutuinalized take her to rehab. I definently dont have as much experience as you since I am only 24 but I did grow up with my father smoking pot and my mother yelling at him. I constantly found his joints already rolled up sitting on the bathrom counter where he forgot it. although we never got help for him he wasnt doing bad he maintained a good job. although youre telling me that she buys pot with her daughter, doesnt help her own son get an edu., doesnt care for 1 with a severe rash, has sex for drugs you said? im not insulting anyone but a mother even if does drugs should at a minimum care for her kids and help them turn out better than she did. most drugies know they got themselves screwed. again i dont mean to insult I wouldve told my very dad this if I had the guts when I was 13. you do need to get her help.YESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!!!!! you have your own life but hers is more important right now.either she will not care when her kids get taken away or she will yell and be hypocritical. there you can tell her that she never did anything to help them. after that drag her to the rehab center. either shell love you after wards our she will hate your guts. as long as she gets clean. then again she might not pull through. You need to do this for her and ultimately for the poor kids!!!it comes down now to the turn out of the children if she gets clean now the children will turn out better than if they did if they woulde grown up with her knowing she did these drugs, hinking that its ok and no one cares!!! but they do and you can show her and them that. clean her up!!! 😉

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