My question is how to get through to my 19 year old son. He is using pot, and messing up at work.?
Question by Terri M: My question is how to get through to my 19 year old son. He is using pot, and messing up at work.?
I realized a few days ago, that I am a big part of the problem – I feel guilty because I had a drug problem, that hurt him. I also feel angry and discouraged, he is lying to me, stealing small items (alcohol, and cigarettes) and has had drugs in my home. Despite the fact that I was a mess for a time, my son was always cared for by me. His father abandoned him long ago. I am involved with someone who is willing to be a good role model, and actively involved in a recovery based lifestyle. Even without the drug abuse, I don’t seem to be able to make him see that he is not accepting the world for what it is. He thinks that his opinion on what he needs to do at work is right, and that his employer is wrong. He has been like this for a long time. I have set time limit with him, to come up with some plans, and goals. How do I get through to him though?????
Best answer:
Answer by princessdemeesa2
It’s time to go to Al-Anon sweetie. They will show you how to give your son a chance at sobriety. 65% of all addicts find recovery after their loved ones started attending Al-Anon. That is considerably higher than the number of those who found recovery on their own.
Just mentally replace the word “alcoholic” with “addict” and the program will apply to you perfectly.
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