my husband chose to voluntarily go into group therapy for bipolar/substance abuse – why is he so angry now?

Question by mscarlybobarlysmom: my husband chose to voluntarily go into group therapy for bipolar/substance abuse – why is he so angry now?
He’s suffered with addiction and bipolar for over 20 yrs – was treated 8 yrs ago after the birth of our daughter – he recently went into an outpatient program voluntarily, was doing great – the communication was fantastic, he was using the techniques and skill given to him – this is his last week of out patient therapy and now he is mad as hell all the time, picking fights, not talking, etc…..It’s becoming unbearable and even though we talk openly about it, I pick my battles and this is not one I want to charge ahead with. Any thoughts – is it because it’s ending? Is it because of some clarity, is it because of meds??? He is going to see a psychiatrist after this, but I just don’t understand right now and I choose to walk away instead of battle, but the anger is INTENSE. Any help, tips, ideas, thoughts, support would be greatly appreciated to keep my own sanity.

Best answer:

Answer by ☢ Målice
It’s incredibly hard to deal with your demons.
If he wasn’t angry I would be watching my back were I you.

Once he overcomes some intital therapy, he will most likely learn how to control his demons, & hence his rage.

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