My 1st grade daughter’s homework is about “Make a Ten facts”, what does this mean?

Question by Mhar: My 1st grade daughter’s homework is about “Make a Ten facts”, what does this mean?
This is her homework:
Directions: Circle all of the facts that can be solved by using the make a ten strategy. Solve only the circled facts. 3+3, 9+5, 9+8, 4+9, 6+3, etc. Which of this we should circle?

Best answer:

Answer by christian girl
The “,make a ten” strategy can be used for helping children add numbers to the number 9. The way it works is this:

1) Look for the facts that have the # 9 in them (9+5, 9+8, 4+9)

2) Remember that 10 + anything (single digit number)= anything teen
Example: 10+8= 18
10+4= 14 etc.

3) pretend that the number 9 in your problems is a ten to make it easier to solve.

4) so If you are doing 9+5
pretend the 9 is a ten and you know its 15

5) subtract 1
15-1 = 14

Get it? you found out that 9+5 = 14 by doing 10+5 -1

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