Montana's Real-Life Walter White

Montana's Real-Life Walter White
In Breaking Worse, this real-life Walter White is not a chemistry teacher turned meth cooker but a 54-year-old auto body shop owner who used as well as sold the stuff, reportedly peddling more than 32 pounds of it before federal agents raided his live … Read more on Daily Beast

Movies at a glance for Dec. 20
Sylvester Stallone wrote the script for this adaptation of Chuck Logan's novel about a retired DEA agent (Jason Statham) who moves his family to a quiet small town, where he inadvertently makes an enemy of the local meth lord (James Franco). R (C, G). Read more on

Movie Dope
After a tragic accident, steel mill worker Russell Baze (Christian Bale) faces more bad news as his soldier brother, Rodney (Casey Affleck), runs afoul of a meth-ed up MF-er named Harlan DeGroat (a natural role for Woody Harrelson). Despite warnings … Read more on Flagpole Magazine