Mom delivers her own baby

Mom delivers her own baby – Mom delivers her own baby.


Week in Review: Troubling 'meth baby' account is readers' top story
This house at 509 Ouachita Ave. is where police found a toddler that tested positive for methamphetamine. His parents face felony charges of introducing a controlled substance into another person. / Kevin Pieper/The Baxter Bulletin … Read more on Baxter Bulletin

Mom Took Baby to Meth House, Police Say
An Easton woman has been charged with endangering the welfare of her baby daughter because the two of them spent time at a Bethlehem Township property that housed a methamphetamine lab, court records say. At times, the woman apparently left the … Read more on

OMG PD: Don't Take Your Baby to a Meth Lab
Don't Take Your Baby to a Meth Lab: An Easton woman has been charged with endangering the welfare of her baby daughter because the two of them spent time at a Bethlehem Township property that housed a methamphetamine lab, court records say. Read more on