Meth Withdrawal: Physical and Emotional Problems Related to Meth Use

The substance known as methamphetamine or more commonly as “meth” has a dramatic effect on a person that uses it. It can be easy enough to spot a meth user, especially an addict that uses it on a regular basis, because it causes a lot of physical damage to the body. It also can have devastating consequences on a person’s emotional life and ability to feel happiness. Because methamphetamine addiction is very powerful and harmful to most individuals, it is recommended that anyone with this problem seek professional help and quit as soon as possible.

The physical signs of a meth user are usually apparent immediately upon seeing their appearance. Tell-tale signs such as skin sores which occur as a result of hallucinations and skin picking can mean that someone is currently using meth. Users can also suffer from severe weight loss giving them a “skin and bones” appearance and a malnourished, unhealthy look. Many addicts also have a problem that is commonly called “meth mouth” meaning that they have rotting teeth that are prone to falling out. An addict may already have missing teeth as a result of this or a discoloration of the teeth because of their poor dental state.

The emotional symptoms of methamphetamine addiction can be a rollercoaster of mood swings. Because meth offers users a temporary chemical high that leads to an excessively happy state of mind, it is often followed by bouts of depression and moodiness. A meth user can either seem euphoric and manic if they are high or withdrawn and anxious if they are going through a period of withdrawal. Meth users often have trouble feeling a natural sense of joy or happiness because their bodies become dependent on a chemical euphoria. This makes it very difficult for them to get through withdrawal if they are attempting to quit. At a clinic that treats meth addiction however, it is possible for anyone to quit using this destructive substance even if they have been involved in it for a long time. With the help of medication and a rehabilitation program a meth addict can end the physical and emotional effects of meth for the rest of their lives.


Sovereign Health is a dual diagnosis treatment facility in Orange County, CA.

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