Meth burns cost taxpayers

Meth burns cost taxpayers

Filed under: meth addiction

In some cases, meth patients account for one third of the hospitals burn patients. Drug officers tell NBC25 when it comes to meth, one hit and you're hooked. They say it's nearly impossible to break the addiction and encourage everyone not to make it …



Addiction to growth has left water authority in financial straits

Filed under: meth addiction

She looks like a wasted Strip meth chick, even though she makes over 300G a year. Hope she has a nice squeeze, because he's set to get the big payoff in less than 10 years paid for by you and I, water users. Bye, bye fraulein Pattie.



Home – a girl is back home after fighting meth addiction


A girl is glad to be back home with her mother and sister after overcoming her meth / methamphetamine addiction



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