Meth a factor in fatal Grover Beach crash

Meth a factor in fatal Grover Beach crash
The crash happened about 9:17 p.m. in the 900 block of El Camino Real in Grover Beach. Emergency personnel found the Cano's 1994 Ford truck resting on its side. The police investigation also determined speed was a factor in the crash, but that Mr. Cano … Read more on KEYT

New designer drugs multiplying, testing authorities – UN
"The international drug control system is floundering for the first time under the speed and creativity of the phenomenon," the UN deplored. The perception that the drugs were safe also compounded the problem, it said, adding that the … three misused … Read more on Rappler

Black Ops 2: 2nd DLC Thoughts & Ideas! – hey guys! so the first piece of black ops 2 dlc was awesome so i just wanted t give some thoughts and ideas on what would make the 2nd piece of DLC a bit bet…