Long term Adderall Use?
Question by JOshua H: Long term Adderall Use?
Are there any long term side effects from Adderall use (with a prescription and under the supervision of a doctor). I am aware of most of the common ones like possible addiction, elevated heart rate, wieght loss ,etc. The thing that I am most concerned about is neuro cognitive deficits later in life, especially considering that I began treatment as an adult. I have 10 mg BID prescribed and I do not take it everyday, only when I really need to focus. What about cardiac damage from elevated systemic vascular resistance or damage to the microcirculatory system? Any advice would be appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by HK3738
I have not really noticed any cognitive side effects in those who have used it over years. I would recommend you to talk to a couple of cardiologists if they have seen heart side effects from aderrall since at that stage the patient does not really go to the prescribing doctor! you can also try to search or contact the adderall company for “percentage of people exposed to any side effects”, all the best
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