Letter: Others Pay a Price for Our Drug Use

Letter: Others Pay a Price for Our Drug Use
Illicit drugs should be regulated in a manner similar to alcohol. The government could use revenue generated by those sales to fund educational programs about the dangers of illicit drugs and for rehabilitation programs for those suffering from addiction. Read more on Valley News

Potential New Addiction Treatment
Researchers are excited about a potential new treatment for cocaine addiction. It's a medicaiton already approved by the FDA to treat epilepsy and migraine headaches. Now scientists at the University of Maryland say topiramate or Topamax could be the … Read more on WTAJ

Dying in chains: why do we treat sick prisoners like this?
The cases also suggest a disturbing pattern of misdiagnosis, substandard treatment and callous disregard for the families of desperately ill prisoners. Tyrrell was an … She believes he was given such a severe sentence because the judge wanted to make … Read more on The Guardian