Letter: Health effects from oil spill still happening

Letter: Health effects from oil spill still happening
I shared my experience with others and more reports came in about individual symptoms felt after attending the Town Hall … “dry, bloodshot eyes,” “sinus issues,” “eyes burning,” “headache,” “itchy eyes,” “my frack rash broke out again — armpits … Read more on Log Cabin Democrat

Prescription Drugs: The Hidden Addiction
Right now you may have a relative or friend who, like Mary, may need the involvement of someone close to them to notice the symptoms and help them to get the help they need. Profile of the Respectable Addict. Prescription drug addiction is more common … Read more on Meridian Magazine

Internet Addiction- A mental illness? – For some, using the internet is part of everyday life, but that use could lead to addiction. The American Psychiatric Association may classify an internet-us…