Law to Clean Up "Nuisances" Costs Innocent People Their Homes

Law to Clean Up "Nuisances" Costs Innocent People Their Homes
In October 2009, police raided the house and charged her son, Andrew, then 24, with selling 8 packets of crack cocaine to an undercover informant. (Upon entering the … Rulli worries, too, about the effect on poor and minority residents. “If one sits … Read more on Truth-Out

Everything you know about drugs is wrong
But you later came to argue that poverty, crime and violence had been present in these neighborhoods long before crack cocaine, and that what had changed was how politicians and the media were framing the issue. Describe this reframing and the … Read more on Salon

C&M Ep: 2 Crack/Cocaine Fight – After Cindy arrives from the mall, she finds Mindy a little bit too happy. Noticing Mindy has consumed her crack, Cindy goes a little crazy on her.