John McCain Supports Universal Health Care?

Question by italienne: John McCain Supports Universal Health Care?
He said, “… healthcare programs is a top priority for us, and I hope that the Senate will move a sound comprehensive bill through the legislative process as quickly as possible.”

Just not for the majority of us.

“Methamphetamine addiction, diabetes, alcoholism, and heart disease are epidemics devastating the Indian people. Our trust obligation dictates we address these health crises on reservations, and I strongly support actions to that effect. ”

How is this not hypocritical to the majority of taxpaying Americans?

Best answer:

Answer by civil_av8r
His quotes do not indicate his stance on UH. For all we know, his 1st quote might be for a cap on malpractice suits.

Answer by Typical Mach 1
Universal health care does not work! THINK, who is going to pay for it? I’m tired of paying for welfare leeches and pork projects. Every man&woman for him/herself!

Look at him go. – This video was uploaded from an Android phone.


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