Isn’t it funny when the King Of Smoke and Mirrors criticizes others for using “smoke and mirror” tactics?

Question by _______: Isn’t it funny when the King Of Smoke and Mirrors criticizes others for using “smoke and mirror” tactics?
So after coordinating one of the biggest and most costly corporate advertising campaigns in recent memory in support of his healthcare “reform” bill, Obama has the balls to not only say others are using “smoke and mirror” tactics, but his chief advisor is out criticizing Fox News claiming they’re illegitimate because they only express their point of view.

WTF is wrong with this guy??

“The history is clear: For decades rising health care costs have unleashed havoc on families, businesses and the economy,” the president said Saturday in his weekly radio and Internet address. “And for decades, whenever we have tried to reform the system, the insurance companies have done everything in their considerable power to stop us.”

“It’s smoke and mirrors,” the president added. “It’s bogus. And it’s all too familiar. Every time we get close to passing reform, the insurance companies produce these phony studies as a prescription and say, ‘Take one of these, and call us in a decade.’ Well, not this time.”

At a meeting last April with corporate lobbyists, aides to President Barack Obama and Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) helped set in motion a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign, primarily financed by industry groups, that has played a key role in bolstering public support for health care reform.

The role Baucus’s chief of staff, Jon Selib, and deputy White House chief of staff Jim Messina played in launching the groups was part of a successful effort by Democrats to enlist traditional enemies of health care reform to their side. No quid pro quo was involved, they insist, as do the lobbyists themselves. ………………..“What you’ve had was the Senate and the White House sitting down and cutting deals with special interests,” he said. “I don’t think that’s quite what the American people signed up for when the Obama campaign said that they were going to limit the influence of special interests in this White House.”

Criticism — from the left and the right — of the PhRMA deal and the coalitions became more pointed after it was revealed in August that the coalitions were paying two firms with close ties to the White House to cut ads: AKPD Message and Media, which was founded by White House senior adviser David Axelrod, still owes him $ 2 million and employs one of his sons — and GMMB.

Liberals contended drug companies were being let off the hook. And congressional Republicans distributed talking points asserting the PhRMA deal raised “serious questions as to whether the drug lobby is helping to bankroll a multimillion-dollar severance package for one of the president’s senior advisers.”

White House senior adviser David Axelrod and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel continued the Obama administration’s criticism of Fox News during their interviews this morning on ABC and CNN, respectively. Both Axelrod and Emanuel cautioned that one of their main concerns is that other news organizations not follow Fox’s lead in coverage, which the White House does not see as ‘fair and balanced.’
bleached……….If you think Fox News is propaganda for the right (some of it is), then surely you feel the same way about MSNBC with regards to the left’s propaganda, RIGHT??
dbc……..Who is “he”??

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