Is Meth dangerous to your health?

Question by LOLOGROXX: Is Meth dangerous to your health?

Oh shit, then.

Best answer:

Answer by Matchu-petchu

Answer by Clock Clock.
Yes, it does immense amounts of damage to your lungs and teeth. It causes some of the worst premmature aging there is. Also, the meth crystalizes under the skin and causes the itching assoiciated with people who use it. It’s one of the most dangerous drugs there are.

Journey to forgive: Man escapes methamphetamine addiction
Picture a recovering meth addict and a multiple felon, and the appearance of Surinder Dhaliwal would be among the last images the mind would conjure. On Tuesday ….. There is also six months of aftercare, with once- a-week classes and drug testing. Read more on Appeal-Democrat

A sampling of editorials from around New York
We'd like to see local organizations that focus on drug abuse and teen issues turn their attention to this threat. Fortunately, no one has to start from scratch in fighting meth, because the Montana Meth Project has established a template for action … Read more on Modesto Bee