Is it legal to sell fake narcotics?

Question by angrylittlefisherman: Is it legal to sell fake narcotics?
Essentially could someone be arrested and charged (with what would they be charged) for selling false drugs. Selling powdered sugar as cocaine for example ( I am sure that is not a decent replacement but it just came to mind.) Or oregano as pot? So forth…I guess as long as the substance that was sold was not deadly. I DO NOT mean” Can I legally sell rat poison to a crack head and tell him its cocaine.”
So because the product you claim to sell is not a legal one how is it fraud? Could you not claim that because cocaine is illegal and the buyer is willingly purchasing an illegal product (or so they intend at least) how do they have a legal right considering they are intending to break the social contract themselves?

Best answer:

Answer by Cooper
Yes it has happened where I go to school. Someone was selling flour dough as drugs. The police got involved and the seller was arrested. Its seen as stealing.

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