Is it legal to advertise a product in the name of “Opium”, “Crack”, or “Cocaine”?
Question by Lexico: Is it legal to advertise a product in the name of “Opium”, “Crack”, or “Cocaine”?
What about “Marijuana”, “Hashish”, or “Meth”? Can it be illegal to traffic or consume a chemical, but legal to use the name for a product that is not the chemical?
Best answer:
Answer by Golden
there is an energy drink, available in some arteas of the US called Cocaine. some courts have ruled against them using the name. there is also a mixed drink called Cocaine. while the courts have been able to block sales of the energy drink, due to the name, the mixed drink is common usage; can’t really block that. there is a well known perfume named Opium.
Answer by jamesmom2
there is a perfume called Opium
Testimony Brian Crack Cocaine Addiction – Testimony Brian Crack Cocaine Addiction.