ipmp4u & pur3lized bgs testing (maxed pures)

deathmatches dm’s dm two maxed pures pure pur3lized ipmp4u, both 99 str strength 99 range 99 mage, one 99 att attack the other 91, one 99hp hitpoints the other 97. fun duel duels duel arena bandos godsword testing bgs. #1 fogger fog fist of guthix ~~Disclaimer~~ Runescape is a game by Jagex Ltd, my videos contain footage of Runescape, I am not the creater of this game all Copyright is held by Jagex Ltd 2008. You can play RuneScape at www.runescape.com Additionally, all songs used in my videos have been legally paid for and obtained and I do not endorse illegal use or download of any music.