investors see riches in luxury US homes

investors see riches in luxury US homes
Many flippers turn to money lenders because they cannot get banks to provide such short-term, quick financing. Standing with Brzeski is Scott Ryan, the realtor who bought this four-bedroom, …. "A few years ago, you would look at a $ 2 million property … Read more on

Daniel Menzel looking at finals in 2014
"There is some inhibition in his joint because it's been aggravated so many times from the surgery, but I don't think we slow down the rehab terribly much compared to his previous rehabs." Menzel is about to start a familiar journey, which will involve … Read more on

Around the World: Updates on Chris Walker, Scottie Wilbekin, recruiting, non
It seems pretty clear at this point that he's not going to be eligible as of next week, when he would enroll for the fall semester, but I've been told that he could be eligible in December (students can register for UF's Spring 2014 term beginning in … Read more on Alligator Army