Internet Addiction Recovery

Internet Addiction Recovery

Traditional 12 step recovery programs or meetings are limited to geographical boundaries yet today, internet chat rooms focusing on addiction recovery are becoming more commonplace. Perhaps more importantly these’s a whole new realm of recovery growing rapidly and running 365/7/24 and it’s all at your fingertips..

Internet technology, has opened a new window of opportunity for individuals afflicted with various addictions. This new medium has attracted a growing number of professional and personal web sites. It is different to our physical world and yet remarkably similar. It’s only now that we can begin to see how people recover online and accept that it is a very real part of life.

The world is much different than the one Dr Bob and Bill W, or most of us in fact, were born into. To underestimate the power or influence these online recovery communities have would be a great travesty. Online recovery just like Alcoholics Anonymous in the early years stands in a kind of no-mans land, a Twilight Zone of recovery , you might say.

Recovery communities, such as Recovery Realm, my personal favorite, is a new partner of the recovery synthesis which promises so much to sufferers everywhere. Strictly speaking, Recovery Realm and other online recovery sites contain no new principles. It merely relates the alcoholic or addict to the tested truths in a brand new way.

RecoveryRealm, has a good mix of recovery tools and people with a vast diversity of Experience , Strength and Hope. It also has a great interactive community that you can get involved with. Well worth the time, if not your sobriety, to check out.

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