In detox and having anxiety issues?

Question by eighty6more: In detox and having anxiety issues?
Recently I went cold turkey from a pain pill addiction. I’ve had to do this before so I kind of understand the state of mind I’m in right now, but if anyone has gone through this before what was your way of dealing with the anxiety and depression that comes along with detox. For me it’s been religion. Just focusing at where I am in life with my religion and where I want to be has really helped. I just want to know some of the little things you know of. Like reading the bible or taking a walk.

Best answer:

Answer by frustrated writer
Sounds like you already have some great coping strategies. Have you thought of joining a support group that is struggling with the same issues? If you are not a group person, what about asking your doctor for a referral to a good therapist who understands and is experienced in addiction counselling. Don;t know if you listen to music, but if can often be helpful in dealing with depression and anxiety. It helps if the music is uplifting or powerful. You want to stay away from depressing music or lyrics. I know with me, when I am feeling anxious loud, heavy metal helps. The power of the music kind of sweeps me away for awhile and I end up feeling better when the CD is over. Good luck in your recovery and keep doing the positive things that you are doing. Every time you find yourself feeling depressed, remind yourself of how far you have come compared to where you used to be. You might also want to check out some natural pain remedies at your local health food stores. Congratulations !!

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