Important question about “Master Cleanse Lemonade detox”?
Question by rio: Important question about “Master Cleanse Lemonade detox”?
Okay, Im not going on the “Master cleanse” diet to lose weight but I have heard that the lemonade works for clearing your body of toxins. However, I have a question. I planned to do the diet for 5 days to clear my body, but when I am done with the detox does this mean I have to stop smoking ( I smoke cigarettes and go to hookah bars sometimes). I am not going to smoke while I am detoxing, but I want to smoke when I get done with the detox. Will I be defeating the purpose of detoxing? Will the smoke bring back ALL of the toxins I cleared my body of or will the cleanse at least clear some of the toxins? Just asking because I told my friend that “I cant wait until this is over to have a cig” and he said everything you got rid of will instantly come back if you smoke…. please enlighten me
Best answer:
Answer by izzy
It’s no good worrying about cleansing and continuing to smoke cigarettes. The amount of time nicotine stays in your body depends on how much nicotine is in your system.
“The time it takes before the health risks of the ex-smoker are equal to those of someone who has never smoked depends on the amount and time that someone has smoked. After a couple of years, the increased risk of heart and lung diseases is reduced considerably. The first years after quitting show the biggest decrease of these risks. And after 10 to 15 years, the ex-smoker is as healthy again as someone who has never smoked. Within several years, the risk of heart and coronary diseases are equal to that of non-smokers. Also, the risk of lung disease decreases relatively quickly. The risk of lung cancer needs 10 to 15 years to decrease to the risk of someone who never smoked. But also in this case the biggest decrease of the risk happens in the first years after quitting.”
No Master Cleanse is going to do that for you. Purposefully irritating your gastro-intestinal tract is never a good idea, but salt water flushing actually removes healthy, helpful bacteria from the lining of your colon. By engaging in this practice for an extended period of time, you are effectively wiping out one of your first lines of defense against infection and sickness.
You would be better off and suffering less if you drank lots of water ans quit smoking.
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