If you smoke cigarettes/smoke weed, or do any other drugs, why?

Question by F*CK KOBE: If you smoke cigarettes/smoke weed, or do any other drugs, why?
I’m not going to start ranting about this, I’ll just say it’s obviously well-known that these things can ruin someone’s health. If you smoke cigarettes, smoke weed, smoke crack, snort cocaine, and all other drugs, then why?

Best answer:

Answer by Geo
People do drugs for many different reasons, but to keep it simple I think there are 2 major ones:

1) The sheer pleasure of the drugs. People do lots of things that are bad for them in the name of pleasure despite the risks. Casual unprotected sex, eating fast food, lying on the cough daily instead of exercising. Sure drugs can potentially bring someone down to a far worse place than fast food, but (1) not everyone goes down that far – there are many functional drug users, you just don’t see them on TV and schools don’t talk about them, and (2) the motivation to do drugs is the same as any other risky but pleasurable activity – “forget health for a minute, this is FUN!”

2) Depression and escapism. Sometimes reality becomes too unbearable and you just don’t want to cope. You don’t care about long-term consequences, you just want some relief NOW and deal with your problems later. Anyone who has never experienced that level of distress may have a hard time understanding it. But it’s very intense and it’s very easy to let the inital relief from drugs spiral out of control.

No one sets out to become a drug addict. But whether your experimentation was motivated by pleasure-seeking or escape from problems, it’s easy to get trapped.

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