If more people die from alcohol than marijuana….?

Question by Mr. Kizzle: If more people die from alcohol than marijuana….?
Statistics show that alcohol is the #1 leading cause of death from any drug, second on the list is Meth and a list of other hard narcotics….then wow.. last on the list with 0 known deaths due to overdose or indirect relations.
It’s my understanding that many non-smokers are quick to judge anyone that smokes marijuana is instantly labeled “pot-head” and this ill-image of a low-life individual is concieved.
Comming from a list of family and friends that have always been responsible with the drug (most of which prefer it since alcohol …yano.. the “legal” one..has lead to abuse and problems in my family).
My question is this… why is the leading killer drug in america legal (alcohol), along with ciggarettes that are filled with non-tobacco chemicals such as arsenic (spelling?) which is rat-poison and it’s perfectly fine to use and/or abuse them in most cases.. but weed is frowned upon and made out to be the big no-no?…
Opinions? Reasons? Comments?.. please share…

Best answer:

Answer by 40th TO ANSWER
Well, one has ot be mor edeadly then the other, they cant both be the same. i say dont do any of it. alchohol its self doesnt kill people as much as people drinking and driving.

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