i shot crystal meth for days i did sleep 5 hours a night today i did some and i feel real bad short of b?

Question by Michelle K: i shot crystal meth for days i did sleep 5 hours a night today i did some and i feel real bad short of b?
i know dont use but i did so dont say nothing if it aint to help!!
short of breath ,shaky,headache ,weak,bodyache
i aint going to hospital and i see that i need to stop i am not dieing just thought might be someone whos been there and wont judge me
no fever

Best answer:

Answer by soccerplayer2491
It really messed up your spelling and grammar. Got meth-mouth yet?

Answer by sammy
you have any left? you should masturbate while your high.

Play Safe – Chapter 13 (Methamphetamine) – Play Safe was made to educate the public and help prevent overdose and disease. This film documents casual users taking responsible precautions while doing e…