I noticed valium and vicodin are over the counter in Mexico, should they be over the counter in America?

Question by ghost: I noticed valium and vicodin are over the counter in Mexico, should they be over the counter in America?
What would this do for reducing the prisons? What would this do for people in pain, or with anxiety, but can’t afford to see a doctor? I once bought valium without a copay before I had medicaid, at Walmart it cost me $ 13 for 120 valium 10 mg. pills. I think a lot of people could afford that price each month. Valium is an old drug, and it is sold over the counter in most countries. So what gives? I know the down side of abusing valium, taking to many makes you forget everything, and drinking on it makes you act nuts. But if someone wants to take it like normal what is the big deal?

Adult answers only please. there would be stupid people who would abuse these medications, but at least they would be legal. Alcohol is legal, and it is a hardcore drug that really can be abused. But many people also can drink a 6-pack a night and it’s no big deal.

Adult answers please? Also, what would be the problem with making cannabis legal? I don’t like it because it makes me paranoid, but I don’t believe in “reefer madness”.

I’m think that since most of the 2 million people behind bars are in because of drug prohibition you clearly can’t change people. I’ve been to rehab, and all it did was feel like a punishment.

I am not for meth or cocaine being legal, but not against it either. If people want to hurt themselves with drugs it should be a personal matter. If they cannot control themselves on drugs, and hurt others, that is when they should be punished. And you will have that with people buying illegal drugs anyway.

But I want your views. Consider me a liberal, I don’t care. Your views on this please?
The first answer needs drug prohibition to make sure he has a job. He also did not read that I said anyone who hurts others should face the music.
See again you mention driving. If people drive messed up they should face the music. You haven’t addressed people who simply want to sit at home during the evening and take a valium for anxiety, and a vicodin for a sore back.

Best answer:

Answer by DN4CER
You’re not just a liberal.

You’re nuts.

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

Why don’t we just go ahead and legalize everything.

Like, lets make it ok to kill someone when they cut you off in traffic. Or, Make it legal to have sex with farm animals.

Ain’t gonna happen brother…

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