i have medical history of drug abuse, can I be an air force officer.?

Question by Jeff Darwin: i have medical history of drug abuse, can I be an air force officer.?
I have currently have a BS, but I have gone to a sort of out patient rehab for drug abuse at a specialized MD’s office. At the office I was prescribed medicine to get off the substance and I also wrote down every drug I have ever tried or done more than once, which im sorry to say is most of them. Im clean now, so I wanted to know if I could be an officer in the airforce or navy, My plan was to go to the recruiter and not say anything about it. I figured I mite get in but when applying for security clearance something like that could come back to haunt me. I am probably going to get laid off and want to join but dont know how or if I can get around the drug thing….thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Sandra M
If you received drug rehab and it was mandated by a judge, or it was paid by an insurance company, or if there was any police involvement. It will come out on NAC security clearance check. Although HIPPA is suppose to provide your confidentiality, I would not count on it. In all honesty you will probably be disqualified from being an officer, but you might want to see if you can go enlisted. The air force is good to their enlisted members. You need to have an honest conversation with a recruiter. Good luck.

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