I have major trust issues and my boyfriend is an ex addict should I trust him?
Question by oneontaw: I have major trust issues and my boyfriend is an ex addict should I trust him?
My boyfriend and I recently (1 year ago) quit crack cocaine, I will NEVER use again ’cause I hurt to many people and I worked very hard to recover. My boyfriend still struggles and while he says he hasn’t used I cannot be 100% sure. I hate the fact that I still question him and have my doubts, however if I find he IS using he cannot be in my life. Any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by MrMouse
Thats tough, my only real suggestion would be to keep an eye out for any behavior that you may think could be caused by him using. If he says he isn’t its hard to keep bugging him, since I am sure, that when you stopped, if people kept asking, it would bother you. Tough situation.
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