I drank alcohol for the 1st time ever last night, now I’m feeling guilty…?

Question by JustLove82: I drank alcohol for the 1st time ever last night, now I’m feeling guilty…?
I’m 26! I grew up in a great christian home, so I was taught that drinking on any level really isn’t a good idea. It can, sometimes, lead to bad experiences, addiction, etc. So I was taught to just avoid it all together, to save having to deal with problems. Lots of my relatives drank, including grandparents. And sadly, there was abuse, affairs, addiction (to the point of liver failure in one case) and so on. So long story short, I never drank. (or smoked for that matter) I made it through my early 20’s with the constant pressure from co-workers to drink, and even on my 21st b-day they wanted me to have a very “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” with some alcohol they brought to work, I never drank it though. (that was a tough time in my life too!) But now here I am, married, a mother of two little kids and I found myself in a hotel room with my husband last night and after weeks of joking around about the idea, honestly just joking! He went down to the hotel bar and bought us each a strawberry margarita. (it had like 1/2 cup of tequila in it I’m told). I drank it, completely shocking and I think him as well. Then I ended up a few hours later while laying in bed, feeling a slight weird/tired, almost relaxed I guess, feeling which actually kinda creeped me out! I felt SO guilty at this point. Like, I even thought “now you’re like everyone else out there.. another drinker!” I dunno, I felt and still feel so bad. I didn’t get drunk, nor did I intend on getting drunk.. but still.. I can’t shake this feeling and it’s making me even want to tear up! (crazy.. I know..) I feel like I let myself down in some way I guess, or maybe God, or I dunno. My husband doesn’t know I feel this bad about it yet, he doesn’t feel bad one bit! – probably b/c he has drank before (yyyeears ago in his teen years) so I guess this wasn’t a big thing to him and he even now talks about trying some wine coolers and other mixed drinks at some point soon in the future. I guess I’m scared this might start something… I’ve never seen drinking lead to great & wonderful things, esp. for two people who are wanting to go after God and be in the ministry at some point.

Sorry this was so long, but my question is… Should I feel bad about what we did? Does anyone have any advice on this?

Best answer:

Answer by Steve C
One drink doesn’t make you an alcoholic.

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