How would me telling a medical professional about me smoking pot affect my treatment?

Question by xXAnemoneXx: How would me telling a medical professional about me smoking pot affect my treatment?
Will they make me stop, allow me to do what im doin?

Cuz i really dont want to go to some stupide pointless marijuana rehab or get tested all the time or sumthing dumb like that
Your dumb, noone gets addicted to weed.

God why are anti drug programs so misinforming?

Its like saying you cAN get addicted to tobacco, but tobacco is none addictive, its the nicotine in it that gets you.

Best answer:

Answer by phillip b
how many million addicts do u want to see in the gutter —and u little soul are on your way to join them …
go and study the lives of addicts
every aspect of having a life like that

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