How Will Breaking Bad End? Here Are 7 Mind-Blowing Theories
How Will Breaking Bad End? Here Are 7 Mind-Blowing Theories
While yellow is the proverbial canary in a coal mine, green seems to indicate a character (usually Walt, often Saul) acting out of greed; white points to powerlessness (in the case of Walt's cancer and hospital treatments) while beiges represent to the … Read more on Wired
America's overcrowded prisons
Police found 1.2 grams of methamphetamine in his home—enough to keep a heavy user high for a day. They also found matches, acetone … Third, more offenders will be given drug treatment or community service instead of prison. Finally, Mr Holder will … Read more on The Economist
Local officials comment on meth series
I'd like to see more people participating in family drug court.” Elko County Manager Rob Stokes called meth a “scourge upon the land.” He also recognized the drug court's role in treating addiction. “Certainly it seems to take over people's lives and … Read more on Elko Daily Free Press