How To Overcome Marijuana Addiction (Part 1)

How To Overcome Marijuana Addiction (Part 1) – How To Overcome Marijuana Addiction (Part 1) Dr. T at to CLAIM YOUR FREE GIFTS NOW!! Thanks.


'Potpourri' addict sent to prison for robbing Shrewsbury tobacco store at
A man who robbed a Shrewsbury tobacco shop at knifepoint for cash and synthetic marijuana was sent to prison Tuesday morning. The attorney for Dwayne Allen Holthaus said her client was addicted to synthetic pot. At the time, the store was selling it as … Read more on York Dispatch

The Marijuana Revolution: Sanjay Gupta's Documentary Changes the Way
On Piers Morgan, Gupta said, “Right now [marijuana] is listed in the category of the most dangerous substances in America. The addiction is possibly real, about 9%, but to put it in context, cocaine is about 20% and that's actually considered less … Read more on RYOT